"Declare His Praise in the Islands." Isaiah 42:12

Contact Us
Mailing address:
Island Outreach Inc.
Pastor Randy Crowe
106 Oakmont Lane
New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168
Email: islandpastor@hotmail.com
Phone: 386-295-8610
Media Contact:
Jackie Jones

It is our vision to have 30 businessmen and women being able to give a $1000 gift at the end of the year as a tax write off to help us do this ministry. (No one receives a salary from Island Outreach). Every dollar you give goes into helping meet the needs in other people's lives. From Pastors to orphan children. From teenagers to widows. Your support will help buy fuel and maintance on the airplane, along with the purchase of Bibles and teaching materials for the churches. Simple things like school supplies and church supplies, along with food for orphan children are supplied thru Island Outreach.
Island Outreach Inc., is a 501-C3, tax exempt organization. All donations are fully tax deductible. At the end of the year Island Outreach Inc., will issue you a copy of your giving for that year.
As you can see, the map above represents over 5,380 sq. miles that make up the Bahamas. The airplane makes it possible for us to reach each and everyone of these remote islands.