"Declare His Praise in the Islands." Isaiah 42:12

The Flying Pulpit!

Without the aid of the airplane, Island Outreach's mission would be impossible to do. God sent a special businessman and his wife in Daytona Beach, Florida into our life that have been a great help in us getting the airplane. We now have a 1976 Cherokee Six 300. It will carry six passengers or 1000 lbs of freight and supplies. The airplane burns 16 gallons of AvGas per hour and flies at 150 mph. We use the plane to carry supplies and people to the Out Islands to do ministry.
On the right you will see Paula giving away some Haitian printed Bibles that we brought in by the cases. There are many Haitians scattered throughout the Bahamas. We help support many of these Haitian Pastors with supplies and material.
As you can see we LOAD the plane!!!